Friday, August 5, 2016

51 Things That Make Me Happy

"Smile, and the world smiles with you..." - Stanely Gordon West

1. Car rides with great company
2. Watermelon
3. Netflix binging
4. Spontaneous trips
5. My mom's home cooked meals
6. My grandma's home cooked meals
7. Coming home to my comfortable bed after a long day
8. Concerts
10. Music
11. The city of Los Angeles
12. Food
13. Long walks
14. Writing
15. Volunteering and giving back
16. Mint chocolate chip ice cream
17. Viewpoints
18. The number 18
19. Hiking
20. Snap chatting friends
21. Telling embarrassing stories (I love laughing at myself obviously)
22. Meeting new people
23. Making a list
24. Checking things off a list
25. The smell of coffee
26. Scented Candles
27. Christmas season
28. Smoothies
29. The High School Musical movies
30. Tyler Posey, my favorite person ever.
31. Waking up to a new day
32. My converse
33. The color green
34. Journaling
35. My doggies
36. Sunsets and sunrises
37. Hand made gifts
38. Pancakes
39. Looking at old videos and pictures
40. Hand writing letters to people
41. My job(s)
42. Wearing my pjs
43. Salvadorian Horchata
44. The smell of fresh air
45. Singing to old school Radio Disney songs in the car with my sisters
46. New cloths
47. The moment when you're at a concert and everyone in the venue waves their phones with the flashlight on
48. Water (drinking and waterfalls)
49. My best friends
50. My family
51. Life

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